Rulesets in Leagues
There are different numbers of rulesets used in each league. The maximum number of rulesets a player can get depends on what league they are battling in:
- Wood: 0 rulesets (only Standard gameplay)
- Bronze: 75% chance of 1 ruleset / 25% chance of “Standard” ruleset
- Silver- 75% chance of 2 rulesets / 20% chance of 1 ruleset / 5% chance of “Standard” ruleset
- Gold+ / Tournament / Brawl- 75% chance of 3 rulesets / 15% chance of 2 rulesets / 8% chance of 1 ruleset / 2% chance of “Standard” ruleset
List of Rulesets
Image | Name | Description |
Aimless |
All units with magic and ranged attacks have Scattershot (magic and ranged attacks target a random enemy unit).
Aim True |
All units gain True Strike (attacks will never miss).
Are You Not Entertained? |
You can summon one additional gladiator.
Armored Up |
All units gain +2 armor.
Back to Basics |
Units lose all abilities.
Beefcakes |
You can only summon units with 5 or more health. |
Blood and Sunder |
All units have Corrosive Ward (-2 to attacker’s armor and maximum armor when hit by a melee attack). |
Born Again |
All units have Rebirth (self-resurrects once per battle with 1 health and 100% of armor; all magic debuffs are removed, and all magic buffs are reapplied; skips turn). |
Briar Patch |
All units have Thorns (returns 2 damage to attacker when hit by a melee attack).
Broken Arrows |
You cannot summon units with ranged attacks.
Close Range |
All units have Close Range (can use ranged attacks from the first position).
Counterspell |
All units have Magic Reflect (returns 50% of magic damage to attacker, rounded up).
Deflection Field |
All units have Reflection Shield (0 damage from Blast splash damage and Punishment abilities—Corrosive Ward, Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns). |
Earthquake |
All nonflying and snared units take 2 physical damage at the end of each round. |
Equalizer |
The initial health of all units is equal to that of the unit on either team with the highest base health.
Equal Opportunity |
All units have Opportunity (targets the enemy unit with the least health). |
Even Stevens |
You can only summon units with even mana costs.
Explosive Weaponry |
All units have Blast (deals an additional 50% damage to units adjacent to the target, rounded up).
Four's a Crowd |
You can summon a maximum of 4 units. |
Fire & Regret |
All Units have Return Fire (returns 50% of ranged damage to attacker, rounded up).
High Five |
You can summon a maximum of 5 units. |
Fog of War |
Units lose Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity.
Ferocity |
All units have Fury (deals double damage if the target has Taunt).
Going the Distance |
You can only summon units with ranged attacks.
Healed Out |
Units and summoners lose all abilities that restore health. |
Heavy Hitters |
All units have Knock Out (deals double damage if the target is stunned).
Heavy Metal |
You can only summon armored units. |
Holy Protection | All units have Divine Shield (ignores all damage once, after which the Divine Shield is destroyed).
Keep Your Distance |
You cannot summon units with melee attacks.
Little League | You can only summon units and summoners that cost 4 or less mana. | |
Lost Legendaries |
You cannot summon legendary units.
Lost Magic |
You cannot summon units with magic attacks.
Maneuvers |
All units have Reach (can use melee attacks from the second position).
Melee Mayhem |
Units can use melee attacks from any position.
Might Makes Right |
You can only summon units with 3 or more ranged, magic, or melee power. |
Need for Speed |
You can only summon units with 3 or more speed. |
Noxious Fumes |
All units start the battle poisoned and lose 2 health at the beginning of each round, starting in round 2.
Odd Ones Out |
You can only summon units with odd mana costs.
Reverse Speed |
Units with the lowest speed attack first and have the highest chance to evade attacks. |
Rise of the Commons |
You can only summon rare and common units.
Shades of Gray |
You can only summon neutral units. |
Silenced Summoners |
Summoners give no stat buffs or debuffs and neither grant nor use abilities.
Stampede |
Trample (after using a melee attack to defeat a unit, performs another melee attack against the unit in the next position) can trigger multiple times if the trampled unit is destroyed.
Standard |
No change to standard gameplay rules or mechanics.
Super Sneak |
All melee units have Sneak (targets the enemy unit in the last position). |
Taking Sides |
You cannot summon neutral units. |
Target Practice |
'Tis But Scratches | All units have Cripple (-1 to target's max health after each successful attack; does not affect units with Immunity).
Unprotected |
All units have 0 armor and cannot gain armor from summoners or abilities.
Up Close and Personal |
You can only summon units with melee attacks.
Up to Eleven |
All units have Amplify (increases damage of Retaliate and all Punishment abilities—Corrosive Ward, Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns—by 1; does not stack).
Wands Out |
You can only summon units with magic attacks.
Weak Magic |
Magic damage hits armor before reducing health.
What Doesn't Kill You |
All units have Enrage (+50% melee power and speed if not at full health, rounded up).
Unit Targeting Priority
If a unit has different attacking abilities, some may override others. Check the Ruleset and Targeting Interactions article for more details.
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