"-1 to target's speed after each successful attack."
Impede can be Cleansed.
Remarkable Interactions
- Once a unit is Cleansed of Impede, Impede can be re-applied. The Unit must be cleansed again to escape the effect.
- Impede does not impact Units with Immunity.
- A Unit can be Impeded multiple times, but the target's speed cannot be reduced to 0.
- When paired with Blast, Impede will impact the main target only (adjacent Units will still take damage, but will not be Impeded)
- Attack Accuracy and Attack Order apply to Units with Impede.
- If a Unit is buffed by Swiftness (+1 speed) and then Impeded, Impede still removes 1 speed.
- When the Unit with Impede dies, the effects of Impede persist.
- Impede is not a defensive ability, so Amplify has no impact.
- Martyr and other stat-boosting effects do not impact Impede. The reduction in speed of the target is capped at -1. In other words, stat-boosting effects do not strengthen Impede itself.
Notable Rulesets
- Reverse Speed - Beware of decreasing your opponent's speed when Attack Order is flipped! Your efforts to Impede them will only help!
- What Doesn't Kill You - All Units gain Enrage which multiplies their speed and melee attack by 1.5. Slow down these speedy Units with Impede!
Notable Abilities
- Swiftness - Speed up your team while slowing your opponent with Impede!
- Ambush - Strike in the pre-round before the battle begins! Reducing the speed of just one Unit can make all the difference.
Summoners with Impede:
Risqruel Drath is a Legendary Dual Element Tactics Summoner from the Rebellion set. Risqruel is an airdropped reward for participating in Conflicts and will be available in packs after the sixth Conflict ends. Risqruel can summon Units from the Fire and Earth elements and grants +1 ranged and Flying to all friendly Units.
Choose between granting two Units Impede and True Strike, or one Unit Taunt and Redemption. Is the Redemption hit worth taking out your opponent's strongest Unit or is it better to offer up one of your own? Time will tell.
Useful Links:
- Abilities & Status Effects
- List of In-Game Rulesets
- Attack Accuracy
- Attack Order
- Top 10 Tips for Splinterlands Players Who Are New to Blockchain Gaming
- Where Can I Listen to or Watch the Town Hall?
- How to Increase Card Levels by Combining Cards
- Summoning Unit Restrictions
Questions about a specific battle or interaction?
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We are also happy to hear any feedback regarding our articles as well. If you have a battle to share that highlights a certain ability, please reach out!
**Disclaimer: Individuals are solely responsible for gameplay and developing their own unique strategies. Information shared by Splinterlands Tech Support does not guarantee success. Be sure to stay up to date on the introduction of new cards, abilities, and rulesets as they may impact the relevancy of certain information. If you have any questions or suggestions Submit a Request.
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