"50% chance to apply Afflicted after a successful attack. Afflicted units cannot be healed."
Remarkable Interactions
- Affliction can be Cleansed. When confronting a team that is likely to use affliction, be sure to include a units with the cleanse ability.
- Healing units will still attempt to heal an afflicted unit
Notable Rulesets
- Equalizer - Your opponent may take advantage of this ruleset by using healers to maintain a high health level. Prevent this by using Affliction to undermine their efforts
- Noxious Fumes - Knowing that noxious fumes depletes the health of your team each round, opponents may use healing abilities to keep their units alive. Prevent this with affliction.
Notable Abilities
Poison - Prevent healing AND decrease health using a combination of poison and affliction.
- Camouflage - Avoid detection, particularly by units with snipe
Summoners with Affliction:
At a mana cost of 7, Mimosa Nightshade deals -1 ranged attack to ranged units on your opponent's team. Void grants your units reduced damage from magic attacks. Once activated, affliction prevents your opponent's units from healing. Mimosa is a valuable asset to any team seeking to show dominance. against ranged and magic/healing-reliant teams.
Units with Affliction:
*Consider using to search for Units and Summoners by ability
- Doctor Blight - Level 1
- Captain's Ghost - Level 1
- Undead Archer - Level 1
- Grim Reaper - Level 1
- Goblin Psychic - Level 4
Curious about how to create higher-level cards? Learn How to Increase Card Levels by Combining Cards
Before combining, ensure that you have a summoner that can call the Unit forth! Summoning Units Restrictions
Useful Links:
Top 10 Tips for Splinterlands Players Who Are New to Blockchain Gaming
Where Can I Listen to or Watch the Town Hall?
Questions about a specific battle or interaction?
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