"Attacks every other round but deals triple damage."
Attack Accuracy rules apply
Remarkable Interactions
- Within the Back to Basics ruleset, this Unit loses its ability to recharge and will attack each round at normal strength.
- If granted Ambush, Units with Recharge will recharge in round 0 and attack in round 1.
- Recharge can be gained via Mimic.
Notable Rulesets
- Equalizer: The initial Health of all Units is equal to that of the Unit on either team with the highest base Health. Higher health provides more runway - allowing your Unit with charge to attack!
- Super Sneak/Equal Opportunity: Rulesets that determine where Units are ideal for recharging Units. Diverting attacks away will ensure they can strike every other round.
Notable Abilities
- Taunt/Camouflage: Any ability that draws attacks away from your recharging Unit is beneficial - allowing your Unit to attack before being destroyed.
- Piercing: Do not let your 3x damage attack go to waste by ensuring that after destroying armor, the remaining attack power goes on to attack the health!
No Summoners with Recharge Exist
Units with Recharge:
*Consider using to search for Units and Summoners by ability
- Ifrit Rising - Level 1
- Uriel the Purifier - Level 1
- Insidious Warlock - Level 1
- Zyvax Vuul - Level 1
Curious about how to create higher-level cards? Learn How to Increase Card Levels by Combining Cards
Before combining, ensure that you have a Summoner that can call the Unit forth! Summoning Unit Restrictions
Useful Links:
Top 10 Tips for Splinterlands Players Who Are New to Blockchain Gaming
Where Can I Listen to or Watch the Town Hall?
Questions about a specific battle or interaction?
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We are also happy to hear any feedback regarding our articles as well. If you have a battle to share that highlights a certain ability, please reach out!
**Disclaimer: Individuals are solely responsible for gameplay and developing their own unique strategies. Information shared by Splinterlands Tech Support does not guarantee success. Be sure to stay up to date on the introduction of new cards, abilities, and rulesets as they may impact the relevancy of certain information. If you have any questions or suggestions Submit a Request.
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