Playing Splinterlands: QuickStart
Select Modern format and click Battle
- Mana Cap - represents the max combined mana cost of each card you may spend on the battle.
- Rules of Combat - represents the conditions of the battle. The given ruleset may impact your team selection.
- Active Elements - represents which elements are available for play.
Select a Summoner - these units can buff (help) your team, debuff (hurt) your opponent's team, or a combination of both. Some summoners require you to select individual units to buff or debuff prior to the first round.
- The Summoner that you select determines which element(s) are available to you during the battle.
Select Units - these 6 units will comprise your lineup that will go head-to-head with your opponent’s team.
- Melee Units may only attack in the first position UNLESS they have the Retaliate, Opportunity, Reach, Sneak, or Snipe abilities.
- Magic Units may attack from any position.
- Ranged Units are not able to attack in the first position UNLESS they have the Close Range ability.
- Non-Attack may only attack if they are adjacent to a unit with Weapons Training. Based on the attack they are granted, they follow the same rules listed above.
Note Abilities - abilities can be found by hovering over the small icons at the base of cards. In general, abilities impact targeting, positioning, buffs, and debuffs.
Use Filters - sort by mana cost, attack type, and ability. Use the dropdown menu to the far right to sort by stats, element, rarity, and mana cost.
Watch and Learn - observing your units in action will help you to understand the various interactions and perfect your lineup. Questions about a battle? Request Clarification About a Battle from Tech Support? – Splinterlands
Note New Player Tips - Tooltips that give advice regrading gameplay will pop up during ranked play. These tips discuss abilities, positioning, and more! Be sure to review them, and manage them in your settings.
Playing Splinterlands: Full Guide
Overall Strategy
As an auto-battler, Splinterlands requires that you select a team, and then watch the battle play out. There are many factors to take into consideration when selecting a team.
Refer to the How to Play guide and Tutorial on the Official Splinterlands website. Depending on what rulesets are given per match, teams will contain some combination of melee, magic, or ranged units.
Mana Cap:
Mana can be thought of as the cost to use a card in each battle. Mana caps range from 12-99.
The mana cost of your card can be found in the top left corner. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the other stats within the How to Play section of the game.
Using 0 or 1 mana cards to fill empty positions after choosing the rest of a team can be a useful strategy. Even if these units are not able to attack (same can, depending on level and rules), they can be useful as a sacrifice against units with sneak or opportunity, buying your tank more time to inflict maximum damage!
Analyzing Rules of Combat
Analyzing the ruleset within your battle is important to successful gameplay. Review this List of Splinterlands Rulesets for descriptions of the rulesets and gameplay tips.
- Some abilities may override others in certain rulesets. Check the Ruleset and Targeting Interactions article for more details.
Analyzing Your Opponent's Strategy
Splinterlands supplies the ability to view which teams your opponent played in the previous 5 matches. You can use this information to gain perspective on their preferred cards and strategies.
1. On the Match Begins screen, locate your opponent's Recently Played Teams:
2. Hover over each Element Icon to view that team:
As you review your opponent's previously played teams, it will become easier to see which cards and strategies they tend to favor. This will help you to develop counters to potential strategies in advance.
- Some players prefer melee teams, while others prefer magic and healing combinations. Others are complete wildcards, knowing that their previous teams will be analyzed by future opponents.
- It is up to you to review these teams and the current ruleset(s) and factor these into your strategy.
- Just as you can see your opponent's previously played teams, they can see yours. Refrain from playing the same teams repeatedly as they are likely to use that information against you.
- Analysis of the previous teams your opponents have played is only a part of what should go into your strategy when selecting your team.
Active Elements
In Splinterlands, 6 active elements may be selected for battle in addition to the Neutral element. Those elements are fire, water, earth, life, death, and dragon. Each element has unique attributes and may be better suited to certain situations. You can also reference the Lore for more information regarding elements.
The Dragon Element allows players to select an element to play alongside the dragon element. After selecting a dragon Summoner, you will then be able to select an element to play alongside
The Neutral Element is playable alongside any other element. If the Taking Sides ruleset is at play, however, no Neutral units may be used.
With the addition of Multi-Element Summoners, players may select one summoner that grants access to two elements AND the neutral element.
Selecting a Summoner
Summoners can buff (help) your team, debuff (hurt) your opponent's team, or a combination of both. Some summoners require you to select individual units to buff or debuff prior to the first round.
- The Summoner that you select determines which element(s) are available to you during the battle.
Selecting Units
Positioning Notes:
Melee Units may only attack in the first position UNLESS they have the Retaliate, Opportunity, Reach, Sneak, or Snipe abilities.
Ranged Units are not able to attack in the first position UNLESS they have the Close Range ability.
Magic Units may attack from any position.
- Attack Order rules factor into which units attack first. Become familiar with the concepts in order to craft the ideal team per the ruleset.
- Note Abilities - abilities can be found by hovering over the small icons at the base of cards. In general, abilities impact targeting, positioning, buffs and debuffs. Below, Captain Fellblade possesses the Sneak ability. From all positions except the first position, she will target the enemy unit in the last position.
Use Filters - sort by mana cost, attack type and ability. Use the dropdown menu to the far right to sort by stats.
- Feeling overwhelmed by card selection? Limit the visible cards using the mana cost, attack type, and ability filters. Sorting using the dropdown menu will re-order all cards and not eliminate any from view.
- Multiple filters may be used simultaneously.
Watch and Learn
Observing your units in action will help you to understand the various interactions and perfect your lineup. You can also view top battles within a specified league and format to hone your strategy.
Questions? Request Clarification About a Battle from Tech Support
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