Welcome to Splinterlands!
As a new player, you may be curious about some of the must-know information required to play successfully. After purchasing a Spellbook, backing up your Keys, and installing Hive Keychain, you can utilize this article as a starting point for your Splinterlands journey!
- Complete the How to Play Tutorial
- Learn about the Modern and Wild Formats
- Assess whether renting or buying cards is right for you
- Examine various cards and determine their use to you
- Review information about how to earn and ascend in the rankings.
- Explore and engage with the Splinterlands Community
- Reach out to tech support if you are ever in need of assistance
Learn How to Play
The How to Play section contains easy-to-follow explanations about the breakdown of cards and their stats, abilities, the battlefield, how to prepare for battle, and what to expect with combat. . Whether you are a new or returning player, reviewing this tutorial will grant you access to important information, necessary for successful play.
- Review New Player Guide: Gameplay for additional guidance.
After completing the tutorial, move on to Practice, and play a few matches to refine your strategy and build confidence. The practice option can be used at any time.
Be sure to check out the Academy Pages scattered throughout the Splinterlands site. Reveal important information by clicking the icon.
Ranked Play Formats
Now that you have a feel for the cards, determine whether you would like to play in the Modern or Wild Formats. While Modern format only allows cards from the two most recent sets to be used, Wild format allows the use of all cards from all sets.
- Players who wish to try Splinterlands without renting cards or purchasing a Spellbook can use a set of Starter Cards to play in Modern format. These cards do not allow players to earn rewards.
- Players who wish to rent cards may enjoy Wild format. This format allows ALL cards (except for Starter Cards) to be used. View some suggestions in Rentable Game Changers. However, a Wild Pass: FAQ is required to play this format.
Buying and Renting Cards
When you purchase a Spellbook, you are granted 3000 credits to spend as you see fit within the Splinterlands ecosystem. While new players may be tempted to purchase cards outright, it may be most beneficial to rent. Consider renting Chaos Legion Starter Set for a quick and easy option!
Why rent as a new player?
- Efficiency: It's possible to rent more cards than you would be able to buy initially.
Flexibility: Renting cards will allow you to maximize rewards.
- Daily Card Rentals - allow you to rent for a specified number of days (2 minimum)
- Season Card Rentals - allow you to rent for an entire season (no cancellations)
- Higher rate of return: You can earn more rewards and advance faster with more cards.
- Explore: You're able to play with a variety of cards without the commitment of ownership, especially if you are debating whether to play in modern, wild, or both.
- Decrease buyer's remorse: You can rent and play with cards before buying to ensure they will be a good investment for you.
- Stimulate the rental economy: As your assets grow, you will benefit from placing cards up for rent as well.
- Cost-effective: Card rental fees are a mere fraction of card costs. Until your account begins generating returns, purchasing all of the cards required for successful play may be cost-prohibitive.
Whether you choose to rent or buy, loading your account with a variety of owned/rented versions of the Starter Cards is ideal. Cards that are not owned or rented will reduce your rewards.
Which Cards Are Best to Start With?
You can determine which cards are starter cards by going to your cards page, ensuring that "playable" is selected in the dropdown pictured below. You can also go directly to the market page, and use the various filters to locate the cards you desire.
Starter cards will have an S in the top right corner:
If you click on that card, you will have the option to view cards For Rent. Be sure to toggle to the Credits option to use that payment method. You can utilize Daily or Season rentals depending on your preferred length of renting.
- We generally recommend Season Rentals as you will not have to worry about renewing rentals for a longer period. Also, these rentals can not be canceled until the end of the specified period.
*Be sure to select cards that are playable in your preferred format.
Remember to visit the tutorial to learn about card basics!
**Consider full Deck Rentals via Peakmonsters as a quick and easy alternative to renting cards individually. You can sign into Peakmonsters with Hive Keychain.
Staking SPS
Splintershards, or SPS, is required to boost your rewards. You may still play Splinterlands without staked SPS, but higher rewards are attainable by staking SPS to your account. If you require staked SPS to increase your rewards multipliers and therefore your SPS (and Glint) per battle, you can utilize the SPS Rental Market to bid on staked SPS. As you play Splinterlands, your SPS holdings will grow due to SPS rewards.
You may also purchase SPS and then stake it directly to your account.
Now that you have completed the tutorial, selected a format, and have cards to play with and SPS staked, get on the Battlefield!
Though it may be tempting to play with the full intention of winning, know that gaining experience on the battlefield is very important and will help you later! Remember, moving up in the ranks will allow you to earn more sooner.
- Consider the Benefits of Joining a Guild
Stay up to date with all Splinterlands happenings including news, deals, and community events...
- Discord & Telegram
- Where Can I Listen or Watch the Town Hall?
- Splinterlands.TV | Livestream Broadcast Network for Splinterlands NFT Gaming
Battling your way out of the lower leagues can be difficult, but the rewards are worth the struggle. If you find yourself in need of more information and assistance, we at tech support are always willing to help. Simply write a ticket detailing the issue and submit it to Submit a request – Splinterlands. You can seek feedback on your battles and strategy within the #gameplay-strategy section of our Discord.
When engaging online, be sure to follow our Basic Recommendations to Keep your Accounts Secure
Questions? Submit a request – Splinterlands
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