Card Rarity determines how likely cards are to be found in Booster Packs or Loot Chests. This translates to availability within the wider market. The rarity also determines how many copies of an individual card (BCX) need to be combined to level up a card. The rarity of cards selected to work your Land will also impact the earning potential.
Use Card Market Filters to sort by Rarity within Items or the Splinterlands Marketplace pages.
Common Cards
In the Rebellion set, common cards are indicated by the circular grey gem on the top border of the card. You can also view the element in the upper right corner (also indicated by the background color). The set icon is located the bottom left corner.
You can also view this information by clicking into the card details page.
- Common cards require the most cards to combine - 400 for a max level card.
- Common cards are found 75.2% of the time when a card is revealed in a Booster Pack
- Booster packs are available within the Non-Card Market
- Bronze Loot Chest: 79.30% chance.
- Silver Loot Chest: 77.20% chance.
- Gold Loot Chest: 75.80% chance.
- Diamond Loot Chest: 74.40% chance,
- Champion Loot Chest: 68.80% chance.
Rare Cards
In the Rebellion set, rare cards are indicated by the triangular blue gem on the top border of the card.
You can also view this information by clicking into the card details page.
- Booster packs are available within the Non-Card Market
Epic Cards
In the Rebellion set, epic cards are indicated by the hexagonal purple gem on the top border of the card.
You can also view this information by clicking into the card details page.
Epic cards are rimmed with purple before being revealed. They Epic cards are the second most rare type of card in Splinterlands.
- Booster packs are available within the Non-Card Market
- Bronze Loot Chest: .50% chance.
- Silver Loot Chest: 2% chance.
- Gold Loot Chest: 3% chance.
- Diamond Loot Chest: 4% chance,
- Champion Loot Chest: 8% chance.
Legendary Cards
In the Rebellion set, legendary cards are indicated by the octagonal gold gem on the top border of the card.
You can also view this information by clicking into the card details page.
In Booster Packs, the chance of revealing a Legendary card is .8%.
- Bronze Loot Chest: .2% chance.
- Silver Loot Chest: .8% chance.
- Gold Loot Chest: 1.2% chance.
- Diamond Loot Chest: 1.6% chance.
- Champion Loot Chest: 3.2% chance.
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