Corrosive Ward
"When hit with a Melee attack, unit does 2 armor damage to the attacker, and max armor of the attacker is reduced by 2."
100% chance of triggering when struck - the max amount of armor available for repair decreases.
Remarkable Interactions
- Corrosive ward cannot be cleansed.
- Immunity does not grant resistance to Corrosive Ward.
- Amplify increases the impact of Corrosive Ward by 1.
- Reflection Shield protects the unit bearing it against Corrosive Ward.
- Armor that has been reduced by Corrosive Ward cannot be Repaired.
- Units that are Resurrected will return with their original amount of armor - even if it had been previously melted by Corrosive Ward.
- Units with Repair will attempt to repair the unit that has taken the most armor damage. Even if efforts to repair damage by Corrosive Wardare fruitless, repairing units will not target other units for repair.
Notable Rulesets
- Weak Magic - Magic hits armor first before hitting the health stat directly. Decrease that armor with Corrosive Ward and allow your attacks to decrease your opponent's health faster!
- Unprotected - all armor is removed from this ruleset. A unit with Corrosive Ward may still be useful, but as no armor is present will not damage it.
Notable Abilities
- Retaliate - a double-edged sword. If your unit with Corrosive Ward attacks a unit with retaliate, they may strike back. Damaging their armor further!
Repair - As a counter to Corrosive Ward, you may find your units with repair falling flat against them.
Summoners with Corrosive Ward:
Eternal Tofu is a Legendary Dual Element Tactics Summoner from the Rebellion set. Tofu is an airdropped reward for participating in Conflicts and will be available in packs after the seventh Conflict ends. Tofu can summon Units from the Earth and Life elements and grants +2 health, Snare, and Thorns to all friendly Units.
Choose between granting three Units Corrosive Ward and Divine Shield, or one Unit Triage and Scavenger. Increase the longevity of your team and take care of those pesky flyers with Eternal Tofu!
Useful Links:
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**Disclaimer: Individuals are solely responsible for gameplay and developing their own unique strategies. Information shared by Splinterlands Tech Support does not guarantee success. Be sure to stay up to date on the introduction of new cards, abilities, and rulesets as they may impact the relevancy of certain information. If you have any questions or suggestions Submit a Request.
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