"All friendly units gain +2 Armor."
Multiple units with Protect can be in play - this ability stacks
Remarkable Interactions
- Protect can be dispelled
- Protect dies with the Unit wielding it.
- Corrosive ward works against protect.
Notable Rulesets
- Armored Up - +2 armor is available to your units. Consider including a unit with void armor or armored strike to make the most use of additional armor!
- Up Close and Personal - Melee attacks must strike and eliminate armor before attacking health. Use this knowledge to your advantage by protecting your units!
Notable Abilities
- Repair - Restores some armor to the friendly Unit whose armor has taken the most damage - keep your team armored up with repair!
- Rust - Reduces the armor of all enemy units. If your opponent plays a unit with rust, protect is nullified until the Unit with Rust is destroyed
- Piercing - Beware of your opponent's piercing Unit. If they land an attack, it will pierce through your armor and hit the main health stat.
- Shatter - If your opponent uses a Unit with shatter, your efforts to protect may come to naught. Your armor will be shattered with the first strike!
Summoners that Add Armor
The Peakrider increases armor by +3 and reduces the ranged attack of all enemy Units.
Grandmasther Rathe provides +1 to armor, Void armor (causes magic attacks to hit armor before the health stat), and the Amplify ability to all Units. Against magic-heavy teams, Grandmaster Rathe is invaluable.
Lir Deepswimmer adds +2 armor, the return fire ability, and blind. At a mana cost of 7, this card is particularly useful within rulesets where it is likely that your opponents will use ranged attack Units (Lost Magic, Keep Your Distance).
Tyrus Paladium - +1 Armor
Kelya Frendul - +1 Armor, +1 Speed
Drake of Arnak - +1 Armor
Lux Vega - +1 Armor, +1 Speed, +1 Max Health
Units with Protect:
*Consider using to search for Units and Summoners by ability
- Venari Wavesmith - Level 1
- Queen Mycelia - Level 1
- Truthspeaker - Level 1
- Arkemis the Bear - Level 1
Curious about how to create higher-level cards? Learn How to Increase Card Levels by Combining Cards
Before combining, ensure that you have a summoner that can call the Unit forth! Summoning Units Restrictions
Useful Links:
Top 10 Tips for Splinterlands Players Who Are New to Blockchain Gaming
Where Can I Listen to or Watch the Town Hall?
Questions about a specific battle or interaction?
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We are also happy to hear any feedback regarding our articles as well. If you have a battle to share that highlights a certain ability, please reach out!
**Disclaimer: Individuals are solely responsible for gameplay and developing their own unique strategies. Information shared by Splinterlands Tech Support does not guarantee success. Be sure to stay up to date on the introduction of new cards, abilities, and rulesets as they may impact the relevancy of certain information. If you have any questions or suggestions Submit a Request.
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