"Adjacent units receive 1 less damage from attackers with Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity. Additionally, all units take half damage (rounded down) from ambushes as long as a Lookout Unit is on your team."
Units with Lookout do not protect themselves against Sneak, Snipe, or Opportunity.
Remarkable Interactions
- Units must be to the immediate right or left of Lookout receive protection from Sneak, Snipe or Opportunity.
- If your team is the victim of an Ambush attack, a Unit with Lookout will reduce damage for the entire team.
- If an adjacent Unit dies, the newly adjacent Unit will gain protection from Lookout.
- Lookout cannot be Dispelled.
- Lookout can be removed by Expose
- Lookout does not protect against Scattershot.
- Lookout does not stack with Lookout. If one unit is adjacent to two units with Lookout, only 1 less damage will be applied.
- Lookout does stack with Shield & Void.
- Lookout can reduce damage taken to 0.
Notable Rulesets
- Target Practice, Equal Opportunity, and Super Sneak: All units gain the abilities that are protected against by lookout. A unit with Lookout is invaluable to your team in these scenarios!
- Fog of War: With Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity excluded from use, consider the other valuable qualities provided by a Unit with Lookout.
Notable Abilities
- Ambush: Units with Lookout protect the entire team from units with Ambush.
- Shield & void - Further reduce the damage dealt by attackers by stacking other defensive abilities.
Useful Links:
Questions about a specific battle or interaction?
Reach out to tech support! Be sure to include a link to the battle as well as a clear question or statement regarding your concern. How do I request clarification about a battle from tech support?
**Disclaimer: Individuals are solely responsible for gameplay and developing their own unique strategies. Information shared by Splinterlands Tech Support does not guarantee success. Be sure to stay up to date on the introduction of new cards, abilities, and rulesets as they may impact the relevancy of certain information. If you have any questions or suggestions Submit a Request.
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