"-50% to target's power (rounded down) after a successful attack."
Can be cleansed
Remarkable Interactions
- Halving remains even after the unit wielding it dies.
- Halving has a 100% chance of activation (if the attack does not miss).
- Halving impacts ranged, magic, and melee attacks.
- Halving does not halve the strength of armored strike. The strength of that armor based attack will be reduced only when armor is reduced.
- Halving does not stack - regardless of the amount of time the unit is hit with a Halving attack
- Fun Fact: This ability is a tribute to bitcoin's halving.
Notable Rulesets
- What Doesn't Kill You - Prevent your opponent from fully using the enrage ability to their advantage by halving their attacks!
- Fire & Regret - with Halfling Alchemist being only one of the three options available as a ranged attack Unit with 1 armor and 1 health, will be forced to take damage from attacks they deal out. Weigh whether including them in your lineup is worth the risk!
Notable Abilities
- Bloodlust - Halving is a great counter to bloodlust. Halving that attack will reduce the likelihood of death occurring - further triggering the bloodlust ability.
- Cleanse - If your opponent plays a Unit with cleanse, your attempts to halve attack the Unit in the first position may come to naught. Use abilities such as snipe and opportunity to avoid this.
- Immunity - If your opponent plays a Unit with Immunity, be aware that negative status effects will not impact it. This includes halving.
No Summoners with Halving Exist
Units with Halving:
*Consider using https://monstermarket.io/ to search for Units and Summoners by ability
- Halfling Alchemist - Level 1
- Arkemis the Bear - Level 4
Trapp Falloway - Level 4
- View gladiator cards on the Splinterlands website by going to Items, then toggling the Edition Filter to G. Select All Cards from the drop-down menu. Using Card Market Filters
Curious about how to create higher-level cards? Learn How to Increase Card Levels by Combining Cards
Before combining, ensure that you have a summoner that can call the Unit forth! Summoning Units Restrictions
Useful Links:
Top 10 Tips for Splinterlands Players Who Are New to Blockchain Gaming
Where Can I Listen to or Watch the Town Hall?
Questions about a specific battle or interaction?
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We are also happy to hear any feedback regarding our articles as well. If you have a battle to share that highlights a certain ability, please reach out!
**Disclaimer: Individuals are solely responsible for gameplay and developing their own unique strategies. Information shared by Splinterlands Tech Support does not guarantee success. Be sure to stay up to date on the introduction of new cards, abilities, and rulesets as they may impact the relevancy of certain information. If you have any questions or suggestions Submit a Request.
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