Shield Ward
"At the start of battle, the unit in front of this unit gains Shield."
Shield cannot be Dispelled, but it can be Exposed
Remarkable Interactions
- Shield reduces damage from melee and ranged attacks by 50%
- Units with Shield Ward can apply Shield to any unit in front of it - regardless of position in the lineup.
- If the unit with Shield Ward is placed in the first position, it will not grant any unit shield - even itself.
- Shield from Shield Ward is a one-time application at the beginning of the battle. Shield remains even if the unit with Shield Ward is defeated.
Notable Rulesets
- Melee Mayhem - Because melee units can attack from any position with this ruleset, ensure that your tank is well-protected against melee attacks!
Notable Abilities
- Flank- Bolster your tank and get some attacks in by gaining Reach!
- Demoralize - Reduce your opponent's melee attacks as much as possible with Demoralize! Want to go the extra mile? Include a unit with Halving to further reduce the impact of your opponent's attacks!
- Lookout - Reduce attacks from units with Sneak and Snipe with this ability. Consider strategic placement, perhaps paired with the use of Taunt to make the most of your damage-reducing abilities!
Units with Shield Ward
Mana Warden is the first unit with Shield Ward. Playable with both Fire and Life teams, get ready for some amazing combinations! Piercing and Impede make Mana Warden a solid addition to any team! Learn more about the Voucher Shop here!
Questions about a specific battle or interaction?
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**Disclaimer: Individuals are solely responsible for gameplay and developing their own unique strategies. Information shared by Splinterlands Tech Support does not guarantee success. Be sure to stay up to date on the introduction of new cards, abilities, and rulesets as they may impact the relevancy of certain information. If you have any questions or suggestions Submit a Request.
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