“Always targets enemy Units with Flying first regardless of abilities or rulesets. +2 damage if the target has Flying.”
Remarkable Interactions
- Units with Wingbreak will always target flyers first, then will target as normal.
- Units with Wingbreak will always target flyers first - even from the first position.
- Units with Wingbreak are resistant to Taunt and will always target flyers first.
- Units with Wingbreak can see through Camouflage to target flyers.
- Wingbreak will target flyers even if they are Snared.
- After Units with Flying are killed, Units with Wingbreak will target according to the ruleset.
Notable Rulesets
- Fog of War: Units with Wingbreak see through the Fog of War and will always target units with Flying.
- Earthquake: Be sure to take down those pesky flyers so that the benefit of flying during this ruleset is moot.
The first Unit with Wingbreak is part of the Rebellion Reward Set. See the announcement for more details:
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**Disclaimer: Individuals are solely responsible for gameplay and developing their own unique strategies. Information shared by Splinterlands Tech Support does not guarantee success. Be sure to stay up to date on the introduction of new cards, abilities, and rulesets as they may impact the relevancy of certain information. If you have any questions or suggestions Submit a Request.
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