Logging into Splinterlands is the first step to playing the game. We recommend downloading Hive Keychain for the safest login. After retrieving your keys, be sure to Securely Backup and Store your Hive Keys Offline.
Log into Splinterlands with Hive Keychain
Step 1: Navigate to the Splinterlands website and click LOG IN.
Step 2: Select your Log in option. We recommend downloading Hive Keychain for the safest login.
Step 3: If you select Hive Keychain, input your username and select Log in with Keychain. You will be prompted to sign the transaction. Click Confirm.
Log into Splinterlands with Username/Posting key
Step 1: Navigate to the Splinterlands website and click LOG IN.
Step 2: Input your Username and Posting Key
Step 3: Click Log in.
Problems with Keys? Review our Account Management & Keys Section or Submit a request to Tech Support
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