“If the target has 2 or less health after a successful attack, perform another attack against the same unit.”
Remarkable Interactions
- Units with Execute may attack twice - if the target has two or less health.
- Units with Execute will only Execute once per round - even if the defender has 2 or less health after the second strike.
- Blast damage can trigger Execute. If an adjacent unit's health is 2 or less after taking blast damage, from a unit with Execute, the aggressor will Execute the adjacent unit.
- This implementation is under review. Do you have feedback? Submit a request – Splinterlands
Notable Rulesets
- Stampede: This is prime time to use Units with Execute and Trample. Though Units with Execute will only Execute once per round, within this ruleset trampling is endless!
The first Unit with Execute is part of the Rebellion Reward Set. See the announcement for more details: https://hive.blog/hive-13323/@splinterlands/reward-cards-update
Questions about a specific battle or interaction?
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**Disclaimer: Individuals are solely responsible for gameplay and developing their own unique strategies. Information shared by Splinterlands Tech Support does not guarantee success. Be sure to stay up to date on the introduction of new cards, abilities, and rulesets as they may impact the relevancy of certain information. If you have any questions or suggestions Submit a Request.
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