How Do Cooldowns Work?
A card is considered to be on cooldown for 48 hours since its last use in a ranked match, tournament, delegation, or brawl for all users except the user that played it last. Challenges and practice matches do not apply cooldowns to your cards. Cards that are unstaked from land will be subject to a 72 hour cooldown. Cards that have been recently played in battle may be staked to land instantly. You can determine whether a card has an ongoing cooldown by going to the market or your collection and selecting a card on either of these pages.
If you see a highlighted clock icon , this means that the card has an ongoing cooldown timer. Hover over the icon to check how much longer the card will be on cooldown, before another player may use this card in battle. If there is no cooldown present on the card, then the clock icon will not be highlighted, which means it is available to be played immediately.
**Note: Cards cannot be listed on rental markets as long as a cooldown timer is present on those cards.
Peakmonsters Interface
When viewing cards within the Peakmonsters market, you may see a clock icon next to some listings for sale, after selecting a card and populating the various listing results. You may hover over the icon to display the remaining amount of time that this card will be on cooldown before being playable if purchased at this time.
Cooldowns also used to be viewable from any user's collection page on Peakmonsters' website, though this has been disabled for the time being, in order to prevent possible exploits as explained within the following update notes.
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