If you need to find an old card purchase for any reason, you can use a Hive Block Explorer to check your transaction history and find the specific card purchased, including the card's name and the amount paid. The steps below outline how to manually find this information:
Step 1: Go to https://hivehub.dev/@your_username (please replace your_username with your current Splinterlands username, e.g. tech-support
Step 2: Look for transactions with the description "Splinterlands Custom Json | sm_market_purchase", such as this one, then click on the transaction to view the specific TX information. Scroll down to the 'Raw Data' section and look for the 'Items' market ID, pictured below:
Step 3: Copy and paste that market ID at the end of this API link, following the = sign:
It will look something like this (this is using the ID from above):
NOTE: You can install the JSON Formatter extension to make these API links much easier to read.
Step 4: You can see the price you paid for the card in dollars (in the blue square below), and the DEC token conversion rate at the time of purchase (in the yellow square below). You may need to expand the transaction fully (if you're using the JSON formatter extension) to see all of the info below 'Cards'. Copy the UID, pictured below in the red square, with the arrow pointing at it (in this example, the UID is C3-340-TOJNXGY95C):
Step 5: Paste that Card UID at the end of this API link, following the = sign:
It will look similar to this (using the example UID from above):
You may need to expand the 'Details' section of the JSON (if using the JSON formatter), which will reveal all the information about this specific card, including the name, element, and type:
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