Players may use Season Rentals to produce resources on Land, or rent out cards via Season Rentals for use on Land. Players may also use delegated cards on Land.
What Happens When Season Rentals Expire or a Delegation is Removed?
When Season Rentals are working on land and expire, they are automatically removed from Land and a Harvest is initiated. When a delegation is canceled, cards are automatically removed from Land and a Harvest is initiated.
What Time Limits Should I Be Aware of Regarding Season Rentals?
- With 7 or more days left in current the season, Season Rentals will be active from the time of renting until the end of the current season, at which point they can be canceled.
- With fewer than 7 days left in the season, Season Rentals will remain active through the end of the current season, and through the end of the next season.
- Season rentals can not be canceled by either party until the end of the specified season.
How Can I List Cards for Rent for a Season?
Follow the steps to list a card for rent. Select Season rental from the dropdown:
How Can I Rent Cards for a Season?
Follow the steps to rent a card. Select Season from the dropdown. Use Card Market Filters to narrow your search.
For more information about rentals, review:
What if I Don't Want my Rented Cards on Land?
If you do not wish to place your rented cards on land, click the Don't include delegated or rented cards checkbox on the Edit Slots page. This will also remove rented cards that are currently staked.
What Should I Consider Before Renting Cards to Place on Land?
Producing resources on land requires a Power Source and staked DEC in addition to workers. Consider terrain types, worksite types, and boosting production by using totems and titles.
1. Power Source
A Power Source is required to allow cards staked on land to produce resources. Currently, two Power Sources exist. Runi and Power Cores.
- Power cores run on Dark Energy.
- Runi do not require Dark Energy to be staked for that particular plot.
2. DEC (Dark Energy Crystals)
Staked DEC or Dark Energy is required to fuel your power core. 10,000 DEC per max-level card is required. Cards less than the max level will require proportionally less DEC.
3. Production Boosts
Select worker cards that optimize production using terrain preferences. Consider staking Totems or Titles to boost production further.
4. Worksite Type
After you have staked cards and items to your plots and have staked dark energy to your region, you may begin Building your Worksite. Your worksite must be complete prior to initiating resource production. Time Crystals may be used to speed up worksite building. Choose between producing Research, SPS, or Grain.
- Resource Production: FAQ
- Building a Worksite: Resource Production
- Research: FAQ
- Mining SPS: FAQ
Grain: FAQ
- Use the Land Trade Hub to swap Grain and DEC or contribute to the Markets.
- Grain is required to feed your workers for all worksite types.
How Can I Buy Land?
Land is still available for purchase. Land that is claimed and/or surveyed may be purchased from the land market.
- Use to easily search for your desired plots.
- How Do I Buy Claimed Land?
Land deeds that have not yet been claimed or surveyed can be purchased from the non-card market.
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