For a comprehensive look at Card and Item Staking, review The Secret of Praetoria - Phase 1.5.
What does card and item staking mean?
Cards and items may be placed on land in order to produce resources. A power source and dark energy staked to the region is also required. Review Resource Production: FAQ.
What items can be staked on land?
Totem and Titles provide production boosts when staked on land.
How can I stake cards and items on land?
Follow this guide: How to Stake (Add) Cards and Items on Land.
How can I tell if a card is staked on land?
If a card is staked on land it will be locked - unusable in battle and non-transferable. A new locked on land icon indicates that a card is working on land.
You can also filter your collection by the new On Land option.
Can I unstake my cards and items from land?
Yes. Follow this guide: How to Unstake (Remove) Cards and Items from Land. Please note that cards unstaked from land will be subject to a 72 hour cooldown - unable to be used within that time frame.
Can Soulbound cards be staked on land?
Not currently. However, this proposal passed Once it is implemented in a future release, DEC may be burned in order to stake soulbound reward cards upon land.
Can I stake recently played cards on land?
Yes. Cards that have been played recently have no cooldown on land.
What do I need besides cards and items to make my land productive?
Power Sources and Staked DEC (Dark Energy) is also required to make your land productive. Grain is also required to fuel your workers and will be collected when the initial worksite building phase is complete as well as during harvest.
You can also get production boosts by staking totems and titles to land. Totem and Title Production Boosts.
Are certain cards more productive on land?
Yes. Cards have a certain number Production Points that impact their productivity on land. Older editions of cards also provide a multiplier. Review The Secret of Praetoria - Phase 1.5.
Which cards are most effective on certain terrain types?
Review Terrain Preferences for a full guide.
Is there a production limit to land?
Yes. In Phase 1.5, production will be capped at 100,000 base production per plot. This means that if you stake cards over the production limit, you will gain no extra benefits.
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