Reward shares (rshares) are used to calculate both Glint and SPS - the reward currencies for ranked play. Use Glint to purchase items in the Reward Shop. Stake SPS to your account to increase your earnings. SPS will follow the RSHARES formula below and GLINT will follow the GSHARES formula below.
- Base Glint
- Bonuses and Penalties Applied to Glint
- Formula for Calculating Reward Shares
- Battle Result API
Formula for Reward Shares
Reward Shares are used to calculate Glint and SPS rewards. In the formula below you will need to take the final_rating of the winner as Rating.
Reward Shares= [Rating X (1-%Starter Cards)]3X Bonuses
- Champion rating is capped at 5,000
We will use the following to walk through an example of how to calculate Rshares then Gshares & GLINT earned.
First, convert the bonuses from percent to decimal. Then sum the bonuses and add 1 then multiply by the SPS boost and divide by 10. The SPS Boot shown on the screen is truncated to 3 decimal places, so your numbers may be slightly off unless you pull your actual untruncated boost from the API like in our example below.
The player in our example was at 3960 rating after the match so the formula would look like this:
[(3960^3) X 2.177049306 ]/1000 = 135192880.9 OR 135,192,881 RSHARES
Base Glint
You can view an estimate of your projected Glint by clicking Manage in the Glint Boost modal.
Here, you can view the base amount of Glint you are likely to earn based on your GSHARES. Keep in mind that the cards you play will modify this further. The Base Glint earned per Win is tied to your rating, with Champion rating being capped at 5,000. League bonuses are 1 for Gold 1 and above. *SPS bonus is at minimum 1 even if no SPS is staked
GShares=(Rating3X Bonuses)/ 103
Glint = {(GShares X 1.8 / 100,000) + 5} X league bonus
GLINT = {(135,192,881 X 1.8 / 100,000) + 5} X 1 = 2438.471
Staked SPS and Guild Bonus are included in the estimation for your earnings per win.
Bonuses and Penalties Applied to Rewards (Glint & SPS)
- Starter Cards - SPS rewards are reduced for each starter card used. Glint can be earned with Starter Cards.
Bonuses for cards used in battle:
- Gold Foil Cards - Players earn 10% more RP for every gold foil card played.
- Alpha Set Cards - Players earn 10% more RP for every Alpha card played.
- Promo Subset Cards - Players earn 10% more RP for every Promo card played.
- Beta Set Cards - Players earn 5% more RP for every Beta core card played.
Other bonuses:
- SPS reward multipliers - Calculated from the amount of SPS staked or delegated to your account.
Win Streaks - Players earn more RP per win when on a streak (3 or more wins in a row constitutes a win streak).
- Win Streaks earn players +40 rating rather than +20. This change was part of the Ranked Battle Overhaul: FAQ.
Guild Bonus - Members of guilds earn an RP bonus depending on the level of the guild's Quest Lodge.
- Note: Players in the 7-day probationary period will not get the bonus from the Focus Lodge until this is over; this applies to other guild bonuses as well, as outlined here.
- Land Prefix Titles - Players who meet certain conditions are granted Prefix titles which grant an additional bonus to ranked gameplay.
Where Can I View My Reward Points?
Glint earned for a specific battle can be viewed on the Battle Results screen. Hover over the icon next to Glint earned to reveal the details as indicated by the red arrow below:
Battle Result API
Use the Battle result API to view a battle's rewards.
Copy the Battle ID (the bolded section above and highlighted section below) into the API.
Search (ctrl+f) "Reward" to locate the section of the API with the desired details.
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