Creating and Listing Sets
Step 1: After locating Card Sets, click the Create toggle. Next, click the Create button within your desired set box as indicated by the red arrow below:
Step 2: Click the gold Autofill button (indicated by the green arrow below) to scan your collection for eligible cards and add them to the set:
- Adjust the Autofill Settings if you want to change eligible card parameters. (Indicated by the red arrow above). Here, you may adjust for the following:
- Gold Foil allowance
- Whether to accept the minimum level only
- The max level of cards that can be chosen by the autofill
Ensure that your Last Played autofill setting is set to more than three days ago. Cards on cooldown cannot be listed!
If you have made changes, click Save and return to the previous screen. Next, click the gold Autofill button again to add newly eligible cards to the set.
Step 4: If you have gaps in your collection, click the greyed-out cards to view more options. From there, you have two options:
You can increase Card Levels by Combining Cards in your collection:
Or, purchase cards from the Market:
Step 5: Once your set is complete, click the Create button. View it under the Manage toggle within the Sets designation. Here, you may Edit, List, or Delete your set (all cards will be returned to your collection if deleted):
Step 6: Once your set is created, click List to list it for rent. Suggested Price is based on the cheapest set listed for rent. Once a price is entered, click List:
Please Note: All sets are rentable per season only.
- With 7 or more days left in the season, Season Rentals will be active from the time of rental until the end of the current season, at which point they can be canceled.
- With fewer than 7 days left in the season, Season Rentals will remain active through the end of the current season, and through the end of the next season.
- Season rentals will not actually be canceled by either party until the end of the specified season, even if the cancellation is done before that point.
Step 7: Once your set is listed, view it within the My Rental Listings designation. Here, you can View Cards contained in a set, or delist sets. The Status column defines whether your set is Listed, Rented, or Delisting.
- Sets that are rented may not be removed from the rental market until the appropriate amount of time has passed. When Delist is clicked on a set that is currently rented out, the Time Remaining must elapse before the rental is complete and the set is removed from the rental market.
Review Set Rentals: FAQ for more information!
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