Players may list and rent Sets directly on the Splinterlands Site.
Which Sets are Available for Rent?
The Riftwatchers Expansion, Rebellion Core, and Chaos Legion Core & Rewards I sets are available for rent.
- The Chaos Legion Core & Rewards I set includes the Chaos Legion Core and Non-Soulbond Reward cards. The minimum card levels for this Chaos Legion Set are as follows, and may be adjusted via the autofill setting:
- Level 3 Commons
- Level 2 Rares
- Level 2 Epics
- Level 1 Legendaries
What Time Constraints Surround Set Rentals?
Set rentals are only available as Season Rentals.
- With 7 or more days left in the season, Season Rentals will be active from the time of rental until the end of the current season, at which point they can be canceled.
- With fewer than 7 days left in the season, Season Rentals will remain active through the end of the current season, and through the end of the next season.
- Season rentals cannot be canceled by either party until the end of the specified season.
Where Can I View Sets?
Use the Market icon to click the Set Rentals tab, or use the Items icon to click the Card Sets tab:
Use the toggle to Create, Rent, or Manage Sets:
How Can I Create and List a Set?
Follow this guide! How to Create and List Sets
TLDR: From the Create page, click the Create button and use the Auto-fill to add eligible cards to a set. Fill in gaps by combining and purchasing cards. Next, list your set for rent.
- Ensure that your Last Played autofill setting is set to more than three days ago. Cards on cooldown cannot be listed!
How Can I Rent a Set?
Follow this guide! How to Rent a Set
TLDR: From the Rent page, click the View button on your desired set, select DEC or Credits as your payment method, and rent a set.
How Can I Delete and Delist a Set?
Follow this guide! How to Delete and Delist Sets
TLDR: Click the Delist button, and next click the Delete button.
Why Can't I List a Set?
If you are unable to list your set for rent, you may have some cards on cooldown. You can swap out cards individually (if an alternate does not exist, the recently played card will stay). Alternatively, delete the set and remake it with the last played autofill setting adjusted to more than three days ago.
- The Card ID of the offending card will display in the error message.
What Should I Know About Managing Sets?
Use the Manage toggle to view your Sets that have been created but not yet listed, listed sets, and sets that you are renting from other players. Sets can be edited, listed, deleted, and renewed from here. View your rental history by clicking the rental history icon (indicated by the green arrow below):
Can I Change the Cards in a Set After it is Created?
Only sets that are not currently rented out can be edited. If you wish to edit a set that is currently rented out, it must be delisted and the rental period must finish.
If you would like to retrieve a card from a specific set or swap it out for a different copy, locate the set and click the Edit button:
Click the card you wish to exchange then select the new copy. When you are ready click Update:
- You must have a replacement card to fill the space, otherwise, the set must be deleted to retrieve your card.
How Can I Tell Which Set a Card is in?
If you would like to retrieve a specific card from a set, first use the In Sets filter on the collection page:
Next, identify the card you would like to remove from the set and click the In Set icon within the Status column of that particular card:
The set in which that card is contained will be highlighted as shown below. Next, click the Edit button to remove that card from the set.
- You must have a replacement card to fill the space, otherwise, the set must be deleted to retrieve your card.
When are Set Rentals Offered During Onboarding?
After purchasing a Spellbook, players will be prompted to rent the cheapest set available:
Can Sets be Renewed?
Yes. Two days before a rental expires, players will receive a notification that their rented set is eligible for renewal. Sets that are eligible for renewal will have a green Renew button whereas ineligible sets will be grey:
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