Splinterlands players may download a record of all transactions as far back as 2021. Within the CSV file, you will find all transactions to and from your Splinterlands account for a given period in an organized spreadsheet format. The type of transaction, amount, date, and transaction IDs (TXIDs) are all included.
Reminder from Section 9, Assumption of Risk within the Official Splinterlands Terms of Service:
"You accept and acknowledge each of the following:
- You are solely responsible for determining what if any, taxes apply to your Splinterlands-related transactions. Splinterlands is not responsible for determining the taxes that apply to your transactions on the App, the Site, or any blockchain."
How Do I Locate and Download My CSV?
**We recommend using the Export Custom History option to download your CSV in smaller sections, as the larger documents take longer to process and will have much more data to sort...
Step 1: Navigate to your Currency Activity by clicking your username > Currency Activity in the drop-down menu beneath the settings icon.
- Your Land Resource History is also found within the settings dropdown.
Another option is by clicking your liquid SPS balance, and then clicking on Activity.
Step 2: Select the desired tab and option from the corresponding drop-down menu.
Step 3: Click the Download icon.
Step 4: Click Export Custom History.
**This option is ideal for accounts with large numbers of transactions...
Step 5: Choose your "Export Timeline". We recommend exporting data in 2 month increments for extremely active accounts, in order to have more reasonable file sizes and ease when reading the data.
Step 6: Once you have imported the desired date range, select Export.
Step 7: A new tab will open, presenting options for download. As you should be downloading multiple CSV's, consider naming them by date or numerical sequence.
Step 8: Locate the downloaded CSV in your files. Depending on your browser, you may have the option to open it from the bottom left of your screen or by pressing "ctrl + j" keys on your keyboard
Which Transactions Are Included?
DEC (and DEC-B):
Rental fees, paid or received
- Old Quest and Ranked Battle Rewards (if it is applicable)
- Ambassador Program Payments
Brawls participation rewards
Focus chests/season rewards
Spent on rentals, shop/card purchases, etc.
- Ambassador Program Payments
VOUCHERS (SPS chain and in-game)
Transfers in/out
- Airdrops, including vouchers, claimed for license rewards
SPS (Balance, staked & delegated):
Claimed Staking Rewards
- Airdrops
- Old Focus & Ranked Battle Rewards
- Currently, all SPS rewards are added together within a single claim, See: SPSP $TOKEN_STAKING.
You can see all the specific balances from your in-game rewards (Type: Ranked, license, brawl, staked). You will see some balances with a negative number (-) once you claim them because you will find them now in the specific tab (SPS, Staked SPS, Voucher, etc)
- Ranked battle rewards
- Ranked season rewards
- Shop purchases
- Burn cards
- Ambassador Program Payments
You can see all your Asset's token balances like packs, totems, licenses, lands, energy purchases, and potions.
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