Adding to the Liquidity Pool SPS-Swap.Hive on Tribaldex (Hive)
Liquidity Pools are decentralized exchanges created to make the trade between two assets easier by using liquidity provided by our players. If you stake your funds within our reserves, you will be able to claim SPS and DEC rewards in your Splinterlands account. In this article, we will go over how to add liquidity to the SPS:Swap.Hive Pool on Tribaldex.
Step 1: Go to the Tribaldex website. This is an easier swap website built on top of the Hive chain.
Step 2: Once you have reached this website, click the Login button at the top right of the screen.
Step 3: Once you Login, you will type in your Hive wallet address. This would be your Splinterlands name if you made the account with us.
Step 4: Click on Swap.
Step 5: Once on the page above, click Add Liquidity.
Step 6: Use the search bar and find the Swap.Hive:SPS pair.
Step 7: Type in the amount of your base token (Swap.Hive) or quote token (SPS), and it will populate the other token (you will need to have the same amount of dollar value on each side). Click Add Liquidity.
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