Harvest may be initiated either within:
Harvesting By Plot
Step 1: Navigate to Land using the icon in the header menu.
Step 2: Click Production located in the upper right area of the screen.
Step 3: Select the Region you wish to initiate a harvest in.
Step 4: Select the plot you wish to individually harvest.
Step 5: Click the Harvest button.
- Note the Time Left to Claim countdown timer. You may store up to 7 days worth of resources. Your workers will stop producing additional resources once your worksite reaches its maximum capacity.
Step 6: Note the resulting screen. Click Pay Grain when you are ready to proceed and confirm the transaction when prompted.
- The production of Resources requires that your Workers be "fed" with enchanted Grain. If you do not have sufficient Grain to claim all Resources, you may claim a smaller amount to reduce the cost in Grain.
- Capacity Used: You may store up to 7 days worth of resources. Your workers will stop producing additional resources once your worksite reaches its maximum capacity.
- Total Taxable Grain: All resource production incurs a 10% tax that goes toward the infrastructure and shared services in the region. Castle and keep owners can capture a portion of these taxes, and the rest will be burned.
Step 7: Note the Resource Harvest confirmation notification. Your worksite should now have 0% capacity used.
Please Note: Resources will be harvested to your region. Research tokens are non-transferable whereas SPS and grain may be moved.
Harvesting By Region
Step 1: Navigate to Land using the icon in the header menu.
Step 2: Click the Production button.
Step 3: Select the Region you wish to initiate a harvest in.
Step 4: Select Harvest All.
Step 5: Note the Regional Harvest screen. If you have insufficient grain to feed your workers, you may check the Buy Remaining Grain with DEC box here, OR purchase grain separately.
Step 6: Whether you choose to purchase grain within this screen or separately, once you have enough grain you may click the claim button for each resource. Individual resource types must be claimed separately.
- On the claim screen, note the amount of grain deducted for taxes and the cost of harvest.
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